There are different ways of interpreting and describing reality, existence and the mind, throughout history various authors have sought to explain these concepts, although that implies trying to explain thought and consciousness using them to reach an understanding, which presents an initial problem. For millennia it has been deepened what it means to be, to think, to have a mind, consciousness or a soul, terms that the human being has related for a long time, Plato, Aristotle and others established the bases for later philosophers; According to subjective idealism the objects, the environment and what we perceive as reality are only in our thoughts, everything is built in our minds, and the coexistence between people is the meeting of consciousnesses; in transcendental idealism the existence of the material (the objects of experience) and the conscious subject are accepted; according to Kant “Everything intuited in space and time and with it all the objects of our possible experience, is nothing more than phenomena, that is, mere representations … they do not have their own independent existence apart from our thought.” Friedrich Hegel explains reason as a result of the dialectical relationship between individual reasoning and the essential facts of reality. According to Nietzsche, from Platonic idealism a scheme is proposed in which the denial of the material world occurs, culminating in Christian conceptions, which leads to the dualistic perception of reality, a physical and a spiritual experience, looking for imaginary sites, self-comforting, as a kind of escape from reality, giving great importance to spirituality, to an afterlife; Advances in science have long ago evidenced the falsity or possibility of questioning various Christian conceptions, raising the risk for the modern human being of falling into a void of meaning, leading to a nihilism in which by demystifying the belief in something supreme, now other things would be valued at the same level, Nietzsche speaks about the death of God, a change in human values, combats the moral imposed by religions and encourages one that arises from the depths of the human being; “The philosopher is a man who constantly lives, sees, hears, suspects, hopes and dreams … extraordinary things.” Martin Heidegger does not define the human being as an invariable essence, for him existence is more important than essence, since the human being is a being-in-the-world, a complex structure in motion, it is not possible to think of the human without the world, “Dasein’s” (literally being there) fundamental characteristic is temporality. Heidegger wrote about being and art, about the destruction of the Aesthetics premises, accessing the artwork considering it from itself, as part of the Ontology history destruction, the artwork is transformed into a force that establishes a reality. Materialism got stronger in the 20th century, as a philosophical doctrine that affirms that the world is material and exists objectively and independently of consciousness, which exists as a result of a complex organization of matter; with the techno-scientific advances the materialistic vision was reinforced, Scientism emerged, a position that states that authentic knowledge can be obtained only through the scientific method, consumerism was encouraged and increased, the most powerful countries adopted mostly a materialist position; However, it may be impossible to have all the knowledge of the universe, the more it is discovered, man realizes how much he does not know, glimpsed for example in quantum physics and the cosmos research, many phenomena are not very comprehensible by science, like dark matter and dark energy, or the end of the universe. Given this, it is convenient and important to reflect on the different philosophical positions, extracting the best of them for the welfare of all human beings and their environment. Max Planck wrote: “There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
The name MindPhotons refers to both positions, idealism and materialism; Science and technology that have been based on materialism have contributed to understanding the universe, even if it is only a small portion, and have promoted important fields such as medicine or space exploration. Science and technology do not interfere with idealism, since both depend mainly on the perception of the outside world to modify it according to knowledge. Even in materialism the idea, the thought are crucial. The vision of idealism should be considered, in this are fundamental concepts such as fraternity, solidarity, freedom and empathy which are so lacking in this world, the understanding of the human being transcendence beyond the material resides in idealism; in art as a means of expression or investigation of the enigmatic it is important to inquire into the essence of being.
“Art and technology”